Monday, March 21, 2011

ECR: Suicide Poster

2010 El Camino Real High School production of The Suicide I made this all on Illustrator. I really enjoyed the project. Working on the program was a treat too.

Ferrari Postcard

Using the pen tool to select an object. This is probably the most manly thin I have on my portfolio, but I really liked how it turned out. Picture was edited in photoshop. Layout and typography done on inDesign.

Commodities o2

Last layout of the commodities assignment. I switched up my usual portrait style and tried something a little different. Pictures were done on photoshop, while the layout was done in inDesign.

Commodities o1

Layout one of two on the commodities assignment. We used various tools to select specific objects and transfer them onto new backgrounds. The photo editing was done in Photoshop; the layout was done in inDesign.

Each item represents a personal interest of mine.

Post Card Invitation

First assignment in Graphic Design: Imaging 2011. We learned how to align boxes through different layers in Photoshop. Pictures are all by CLAMP.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Soda Label

Here is the soda label I didn't finish.  &Alex kept bugging me about the lines that were around it.  I scanned the picture of the rabbit onto the computer.  Since I was behind in finishing this project I wasn't able to clean up the sketchbook marks behind the rabbit's head.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Michael Jackson CD Cover

We started using Photoshop and this has to be my favorite project.  We were told to make an album cover for our favorite artist.  I am very happy in how this turned out.  I put a lot of work into this one too.  I had the hardest time with the back of the CD. The gradient didn't turn out 98% of the time I was working with it, but I got it in the end.